- Detroit is 142.9 square miles in area - Vacant land today accounts for 20 square miles -1950: Detroit had an average of 21 residents per acre (5.1 occupied housing units per acre) - 2010: Detroit had an average of 8 residents per acre (3 occupied housing units per acre) - Detroit lost 61% of it's total population (1.8 Million --> 700,000) - 80,000 housing units have been surveyed as vacant
"Mapping Detroit's Residential Vacancy" is a project that coincides with the Masters thesis of Claudie Mabry, "Analyzing Conservation Land Management Models to Stabilize Detroit's Vacancy". Her thesis was completed for the Implementation Office at Detroit Future City in May of 2014. You can view her thesis report here. This visualization was created in CartoDB. The basetile comes from Stamen Designs using their Toner basetile. The data within this map comes from the City of Detroit Planning and Development Department. The data was provided directly via Detroit Future City.
City Planning data was categorized using land use data, based off of the 2010 US Census. Residential data was filtered out of the land use dataset. Residential vacancy data accounts for both structures and lots, and is categorized highlighting their different conditions. Google Street View was linked to the addresses of the vacancy data and can be viewed in the Infowindows within the map.
Feel free to contact Claudie at mabry.claudie@gmail.com with any additional questions.